Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another day...

Well, today is another day in my battle with my weight. My friend Jessica suggested maybe I start blogging about my everyday challenges. My mom has always told me that writting your feelings down in a journal here is my journal.

A week ago, our office became a branch of The Center for Medical Weight Loss. A low calorie, doctor monitored liquid diet. 800 calories a day of shakes, pudding, and 1 power bar. Sounds like fun right...not so much. Everyday has been a challange, everyday there has been tears, and everyday I want to quit. I am trying really hard to look at the BIG picture 6 weeks-12 weeks down the road, but for me its a day to day challange...somedays shake to shake challange.

Today I started taking Phentermine to help with my food cravings. Reading reviews of this med makes me think that maybe I have finally found something to help me. You have to take the med a hour before breakfast and it works all day...we will have to wait and see about that!

This week was really hard. Not sure what is really main cause for all the crying...could it be the new diet, switching to Wellbutrin, new computer system at work, or all of the above. Plus, someone I trusted hurt me again...what a fool I am. I do have the greatest support system. Mom & Doyle everyday are cheering me on & telling me that I can do it, even when I cant believe in myself. Dr H, checking on me day after day...she has to fight this battle too but is always there to check on me. My friends are the greatest, several are doing the diet with me. They understand the frustrations & days where you feel like you cant do it anymore. They tell me its OK to cry, since they are crying and holding my hand too.

So today, to keep my mind off my stomach growling and wondering how busy Chick-fil-a will be on a Saturday. I am off to get Daddy's B-day gift, then off to the pool, then maybe get a mani/pedi.

Tomorrows plan is to head to Sherman for church & lunch (4 oz grilled chicken & veggies) with Daddy and some friends to celebrate Daddy's B-day!

Monday, more of the pool & if I have time maybe clean the apartment...hehe!

Well, I guess that it is for my first blog. Lets see where this leads...

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