Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 3 & I feel like its the last day...

Well today was not a good day...

I got up, had my morning shake, did some house work, took my meds around 10, then headed to the pool. Had a nice time relaxing enjoying the sun for about 45 mins then the headaches started again. So I packed up and went upstairs. Took some more Motrin (I think I am keeping them in business) and tried to relax. Had another shake thinking that maybe it was a hunger headache...that did not help. By this point I had enough and went to lay down. Now the room is spinning and I feel like I am car sick (best way to describe) so I threw my hands in the air, and called Jessi.

I called her and told to meet me at On The Border and I was going to eat something besides a shake or a power bar. I love their Kids Grilled Chicken Plate...chicken breast, side of black beans & a dinner salad=230 calories! head was feeling better & I was ready for a nap. I took a pretty long nap this afternoon and felt much better when I woke up around 4:45ish.

Then came 7:00pm again...and no surprise headache is back, nausea is back (no vomiting yet) and just feel like I could fall over and play dead. Took a hot bath and now ready for bed.

I am not saying this diet is a bad diet, it just works different with different people. Some people do great on Weight Watchers, while some excel on Atkins Diet/South Beach. Everyones body is different. So, I am heading in early to work tomorrow to weigh-in and discuss the next step with my doctor.

Of course typical me...I AM A LOSER, I CANT DO IT, ITS TO HARD, NOTHING WILL EVER WORK is running through my head. And I know that there are people that will look at me and say "told you it would not work" I am going to prove you all wrong!! Whether its this diet or another this weight is coming off!!!! I have had the jump start with the 5.7 loss this week and I have my mojo back to stay focused...FOCUS :) haha!

So, stay tuned for tomorrows update after seeing the doctor.

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