Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 2...

5.7 pounds!!!!!!
I was so happy this morning to get on the scale and see that I had lost 5.7 pounds in a great is that!

Went to Sherman today to spend time with Daddy for his birthday. We went to church together which I know he loves when my sister or I can go with him. For those that dont know, this is the church that we grew up in. Most of the members have known me since I was just a little kid sitting at the front enjoying Childrens Time. It was so wonderful to see these faces that I had not seen in a few years. They made me feel like I had never left.

This diet, and other things have turned me into this crying mess. Today driving up old Hwy 289 I cried. Passed some spots that I remember from when I was a kid. Today during worship they introduced the Class of 2010 graduates. The minister said that no matter where you go to school, no matter where you get a job, or no matter where you move off to you will always have a place here. That is how I felt today, like I was still that little kid getting ready for Children's Time.

Today I wish I was that kid again, and that I could just start over. I would do things so different in my life. I might have taken a different path in my life. I do know for one thing, I would have never let my weight take over my life. I kick myself everyday for letting it get out of control. People in my life have always said encouraging words on how to help me. I aways thought I had it "under control" I sure was wrong. Why did I not listen, all they were doing was trying to help me...and now look at me...I am a mess.

Yesterday I started taking Phentermine, a diet medication to help with my cravings. Yesterday evening around 7:00ish I got this horrible headache, then the nausea kicked in and away to the bathroom I went. I thought it was just the bad ice tea I had picked up from McDonald's as a treat to myself. Well, tonight around 7:00ish it hit again and away I went. Can blame the tea this time. So, come Tuesday I think my doctor and I might need to re-evaluated this. I can handle my tummy growling, but when the headaches kick in and the room starts spinning...I am done.

But, on a happy note...Daddy & I were joined by some wonderful friends today for lunch. The Buechler's & Pinon family. The "ladies" of the table discussed our diet owes over the years, and what has work..and well you know what happens if they dont :) It was great to talk with them. You always feel like you are in a battle by yourself, and people tell you all the time "Oh I understand, Oh I have been there" It really does help. *And I enjoyed 4 oz of grilled catfish and brocolli for lunch & lots of water!

So, I think it is time for me to call it a day. Thinking about going to the pool again tomorrow, but just laying around the house watching TV sounds good too. Oh, and a nap goes without saying. Thanks for everyone who sent me notes yesterday after the first blog. I really did this as a place for me to vent and discuss what I am feeling, but maybe I can help someone not go down the same path or even better...we can start a new path together.

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