Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Staying on track...

So glad tomorrow is Wednesday...

I met with my doctor this morning & weighed at the office. Now mind you I weighed at home this morning, first thing, no clothes on a scale that I have used forever that I love...I was down 6.7 pounds since last Sunday. Went to the office, stayed clothed and I was only down 4 pounds...either way I am happy with any loss. I am having a hard time keeping my scrub pants up...that's a good sign!

Our new scale at the office weighs your fat weight, water weight, and muscle weight. That is the best thing about getting on that scale...LOL. I went from 89.5 to 86.5 pounds in fat weight, 76.5 to 76 pounds in water weight, and I went from 55.5 to 54.5 pounds of muscle. So that is great news...not all water weight!!!

Still not feeling so hot today. Headaches are still around as well as the nausea. Hartley & I discussed me stopping the diet pills for right now and getting me feeling better before we discuss that anymore. I am going from the full liquid diet to a modified version to were I will have shakes & a bar during the day and then a 550 calorie dinner. I think this will help me with my headaches, and still allow me to get the great results of this diet. It has been a proven diet that works...so I am going to push through another week & praying for another great loss this week!

I am off to watch TV and relaxed, just took some more Motrin. Just like with any diet, it takes getting used to and might have some curve balls. I am going to keep fighting forward and beat this battle!

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