Saturday, June 5, 2010

Good Day...

Sorry I have not written in a few days. Work is busy as always, and just been coming home and crashing. I have been better on the crying this week, had a small melt down Friday at work. I was trying to find a weekend that I can go home for a TECH football game & both weekends I am looking at another co-worker is already taking that Friday off. I really don't want to fly all the way there Saturday & have to turn right back around on Sunday, and being out on a Monday just sucks. Not sure what we will do, guess I will have to talk with the bosses on Monday. GOOD mom booked my flight for 4th of July!!! So excited to go home & see the folks brand new house that should be done in a week or so!!!

I am back on my "modified" diet, and re-started a lower dose of Phentermine today. So far today, just one mild headache that was taken care of with Motrin. Woke up early this morning and ran some errands and was back and ready for the pool by 9:45. Had a good turn out today at the pool and met a new resident that just moved in. Was back by 12:45 and then off to my Saturday nap. Just laid low tonight, made Grilled Chicken & broccoli for dinner and watch Mama Mia & Juno!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far...tomorrow for me...MORE POOL! Most summers I dread getting into a swimsuit, but this year...bring it on!

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