Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Early Hump Day!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far, mine has been OK. Did my weigh-in yesterday at work and was down 1 pound. I was happy with that since I was not really follow a diet program last week since I was getting over being sick. Total now...7.7 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks! Feeling better this week and doing well sticking to the program.

I had a heart to heart conversation last night with a good friend and we discussed our relationships with men. She is going through a break-up and is having a hard time dealing with it...I can relate! As most of you know, I went through a bad break up several, and I mean several years ago. To this day, I am still having a hard time dealing with it. I wont bore you all with details, but the reason I am telling you this is because it was the main root of my weight gain during my 20's. Food was my best friend, my comfort, and something I could go home to & cry with. I build up a wall so I could not get hurt again. Then when the my weight got heavier it became my shield against people/men. They would not want to date a fat girl, score for me...I could not get hurt again! So this became "my thing" stay heavy, men wont talk to you, so in the long run I cant get hurt again.

I told my friend last night to not do what I did. I have wasted so many years on this one person hurting me, that I have lost so many years for myself. I am finally ready to break that shield and let someone in, but first I have to be OK with myself. I feel like an onion right now peeling away the layers of crap that I have been holding onto for so long. All the bad choices in my life (not just the main one) but all the people that I let push me around & step on me...I am over it! It is time for me to live my life & not think about what other people think...or even care what they think. I have lost so many years...I am not losing one more day!!!

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