Sunday, June 13, 2010

Slippery Slope...

Hope everyone one is having a wonderful weekend so far...

Mine has been pretty busy so far. Took Daddy to the airport early yesterday morning. He will be spending the summer in Michigan with his mom & extended family. Met up with Mary to help out with her new car/old car drop off. Then spent the day with Kim and her kids, and our friend Brandi swimming. Came home last night and went to bed @ 8...and slept till 9:15 this morning!!! I feel so much better now. Got up this morning and spent 2 hours at the pool...I was the only one there, loved it!!

Regarding the diet this week, I crashed & hit rock bottom. Everyday this week I have been getting closer & closer to my old eating habits. I never set out to do that, but I have every excuse in the book why this happened. Work, hanging out with friends, being too tried to cook, just feeling blah...the list goes on & on. I could go in tomorrow for weigh-in and say "I dont know why I did not lose this week, how can that be!" But all I am doing is kidding myself. Nobody forced me to eat this week, I am an adult who made a few bad choices, and I will take full responsiblity.

At least at this point in my life I can see & admit that I failed this week. I could beat myself up for it or learn from it and move forward. The more upset I get with myself the more I just want to throw in the towel and call it quits. Like with any addiction you have set backs, most people at one point or another relapse. Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.

Here is to knowing that tomorrow will be better...

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